小児における経口負荷試験:専門医の意見/Oral food challenge in children: an expert review


Author:Rancé F, Deschildre A, Villard-Truc F, Gomez SA, Paty E, Santos C, Couderc L, Fauquert JL, De Blic J, Bidat E, Dupont C, Eigenmann P, Lack G, Scheinmann P
Title:Oral food challenge in children: an expert review.
Citation:Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Apr;41(2):35-49.
Abstract:Oral food challenges are indicated for the diagnosis of food allergy and the double-blind, placebo-controlled oral food challenge is considered the gold standard diagnostic method in children with suspected food allergy. This practice parameter for oral food challenges in children was prepared by a workgroup at the request of the French Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SFAIC) and the French Paediatric Society for Allergology and Pulmonology (SP2A). We aimed to develop practical guidelines for oral food challenges in children for the diagnosis of suspected food allergy or the evaluation of food tolerance. We also considered the safety measures to be implemented during testing and management of the potentially serious allergic reactions that may arise during the test. The strength of the recommendations was established, using the GRADE evidence-based approach. We considered four issues: (1) the selection of children for oral food challenges (indications and contraindications); (2) the procedure used (material, where the test should be carried out, technique and management of reactions); (3) interpretation of the test and (4) consequences of the test.
一般向け要約 経口負荷試験は食物アレルギーの診断に用いられ、二重盲検プラセボコントロール経口負荷試験が診断法のゴールドスタンダードである。この経口負荷試験の指標は、フランスアレルギー臨床免疫学会(SFAIC)とフランス小児アレルギー呼吸器学会(SP2A)の要請によるワーキンググループによって作成された。今回我々は食物アレルギーの診断や耐性獲得の評価をするための小児の経口負荷試験の臨床ガイドラインを作成することを目的とした。、また負荷試験中に発生する可能性のある重症なアレルギー反応の検査と管理中に実施する安全対策も検討した。推奨の強さはGRADE分類を用いた。。我々は4つの問題を検討した;(1)経口負荷試験の対象となる子供の選択;(2)負荷の手順(食材、負荷を行う場所、手技や症状の管理);(3)負荷の解釈(4)結果の判断である。